Playboy magazine June 2005

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Playboy Magazine June 2005

Cover: Bai Ling

Playmate: Kara Monaco

Interview: Lance Armstrong

20 Questions: Paul Giamatti

Pictorials: PMOY: Tiffany Fallon - Tiffany's the best from 2004; Bai, Bai, Baby - 8 pages of Bai Ling.

Features: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed: The Brain by Rohan Gunaratna focuses on background and capture of the Al Queda mastermind behind 9/11; Into the Drink by A.J. Baime features summer cocktails to keep cool; The Hitchhiker's Guide to The 'Star Wars' Galaxy by Scott Alexander and Josh Robertson is a guide to all things "Star Wars" related; Marilyn Revealed by Neal Gabler recounts Marilyn Monroe's rise from a regular gal to Hollywood idol; fiction, Suburban Jigsaw by Robert Coover.

Pages: 180

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